L’autre jour j’avais envie de lasagne et j’avais un sachet de brocolis congelés à passer. Je me suis dis que ça pourrait bien le faire, avec un peu de tomate et de fromage ça m’avait l’air sympa.
The other day I wanted to eat lasagnas and I had a bag of frozen broccolis, I told myself it couldn’t be bad together, with tomatoe and cheese.
Ce plat de lasagnes est très léger et savoureux, vraiment plein de saveurs, donc pour les carnivores invétérés, essayez au moins une fois vous ne serez pas déçus. Le brocolis et la tomate font un bon mariage de saveurs et la béchamel adoucit le tout, rien qu’en essayant de vous décrire j’en ai l’eau à la bouche!
This lasagna dish is so light and savory, full of flavors, so if you are an unconditional carnivore, try once I promise you won’t be disappointed. Broccolis and tomatoe is a good blend and the béchamel make it melting in mouth, just explaining you the taste my mouth is already watering!
1 gousse d’ail / 1 garlic clove
50Og de coulis de tomate / 500g of tomato passata
Fromage rapé, mozza, ou feta, ou emmental / Grated cheddar, mozzarella or feta as you prefer
°Before all things, I almost never weigh when I cook salted meals, I used to do so when I worked in restaurants, so maybe you’ll have too much béchamel or tomato coulis. But better too much than not enough!
°Let’s start with béchamel! Browned the minced onion and garlic clove in a saucepan with oil, cook 2 minutes and keep in a plate.
°In the same saucepan melt butter, off the heat add the flour and stir well, reheat 2 minutes.

°At medium heat, add 1/4 of the milk, mix well with a whisk until thick, you can take it off the heat if it get thick too quick. Pour milk again, don’t stop to beat with the whisk, and keep pouring and mixing until there’s no milk left. Cook a minute and seasonned.
°Put the onion in the béchamel and stir.
°Make the lasagnas: pour a thin layer of bechamel,broccolis, bechamel, tomato sauce, lasagna, bechamel, brocollis, tomato sauce bechamel… finish with the cheese you have choosen. Cook in the oven, 180°C for about 30 minutes, check if pastas are cooked.
plutot nice ta lasagne, je garde l'idée, mon fils adore les brocolis c'est une chouette version !!