A very greedy Twelfth night cake

J’aime retravailler les originaux alors j’ai remplacé l’amande par de la noisette. J’ai trouvé la galette plus légère ainsi que dans sa version traditionnelle. Et si savoureuse!
I like to find out new recipe, modify them, so instead of almonds I used hazelnuts. It taste really much lighter than the traditional one and this is full very tasteful!
J’ai choisi de faire une frangipane et non une crème d’amandes (enfin une crème de noisette!) pour avoir quelque chose de plus léger et un brin crémeux. Pour les novices la frangipane est composée aux 2/3 de crème d’amandes et 1/3 de crème pâtissière.
I choose to makea marzipan instead of an almonds cream to obtain something light and a little bit creamy. For the beginners, the marzipan is made at 2/3 of almond cream (here hazelnut) and 1/3 of pastry cream.
Il vous faudra 2 disques de pâte feuilletée de 22 cm chacun soit environ 600g de feuilletage
You’ll need 2 discs of puff pastry of 22 cm each, about 600g of puff pastry
For the marzipan
160g de crème pâtissière / 160g of pastry cream
° Roast the hazelnut powder, pour the powder in a hot pan, don’t stop stirring during 5 minutes at medium heat. Then allow to cool.
° Cream butter, add sugar, beat until frothy.
°Add the eggs 1 one by one.
° Add the hazelnut powder, alcohol, mix well.
°Once the almonds cream ready add the 160g of pastry cream to it (cold). If you can’t helpyourself add some chocolate chips!

°Divide your dough in width to obtain 2 squares of dough.
° Spread over 3 mm thick and cut out discs of about 23 cm in diameter.
cuisson silicone humidifiée). La faire adhérer en appuyant avec la main.
Piquez le cercle à la fourchette, mais pas les bords.
° Place a disc on the wet baking sheet (or on a baking sheet moistened silicone). Adhere it by pressing with your hand. Prick with a fork the circle, but not the edges.

°With a circle of 20 cm in diameter, slightly mark the location of the cut.
° With a brush brown the edges, spill a little on the inside of the disc.
°Spread almond cream as a dome, without putting on the golden section.
° Place the second disc on the almond cream.
° Adhere the edges by pressing gently with your fingers, not with your fingernails
°With a 20cm diameter pastry circle press the boundary.
° With a small knife scalloped edges of your pie (cut rounded teeth), I helped me with a small round cookie cutter to have a scalloping that will not be distorted. Place it on the edge of the pie and cut the outline of a half circle and hop off again …
° To perfect scallops and welding if necessary.
°Golden with egg without spilling gilding and chill about 30 minutes.
°Golden again with a brush and egg.
°Cross by drawing arcs of circles in the dough with a small knife that you hold slightly tilted.
°Make small scratches on the scallops and drill 3 or 4 small holes on top. They serve as a chimney to evacuate the steam during cooking to avoid the dough to crack.
°Bake in hot oven 210 ° C, 25 to 35 minutes.
°Boil 10g of water and 30g of sugar. Spread a little of the syrup, brush the pie out of the oven, it will make it shine. Cool on wire rack.
Delicate points:
° Always work the pastry very cold or it becomes soft and will break, it will be hard to handle. Feel free to give it to chill or freeze a few minutes.
° To move your dough discs you can fold them in 4. You will get a triangle that will be easier to handle, unfold it, once installed in the right place, you’ll get back a disc.
Je t'en prendrais bien volontiers une part…
Machalah ses gâteau il sont bon