A subtle sweet savory light pie
Il me restait une belle courge et j’ai voulu changer de la soupe au potiron, je l’avais déja essayé dans les pâtes et en risotto mais pas en tarte, alors la voila!
There was still a butternut squash in my cellar and I wanted something different from soup, I had try it in pasta and risotto but never in pie, so here it is!
Pour équilibrer le goût sucré de la courge muscade j’ai mis des oignons et champignons, du parmesan (le comté serait encore meilleur mais je n’en avait pas) pour créer un mélange subtil.
To balance the sweet taste of the butternut squash I put some onions and mushroom, and added parmesan (but Comté is better, I didn’t have it in my fridge so I used parmesan) to create a subtle blend.
Pour changer un peu, et parce que ça se marie bien à la courge, j’ai mis du paprika dans ma pâte brisée. Ca lui donne une belle couleur et petit goût supplémentaire qui apporte une touche intéressante et un peu relevée.
I wanted a shortcrust different from usual so I put some paprika in it, for the color but because it’s a nice blend with butternut as well. It bring an interesting and nice enhanced flavour.
Pâte brisée salée au paprika / Salted shortcrust pastry
5g de paprika doux ou fort / 5g paprika (mild or hot)

°Sand flour and paprika with salt and butter (with the flat batter or with your fingers).
°Once the flour is sandy add water lillte by little.
° Si besoin faites l’appoint en eau, tout doucement bien sûr!
°Work the dough until it make a ball, not too long, otherwise your dough will be elastic.
°Once the ball made you have to knead it. Push forwoard on the dough with your palm. Gather the dough, turn it 1/4 of tour and do it again. This step intend to eliminate any piece of butter left in the dough and avoid it to shape holes after cooking.
°Wrap in a plastic cling and cool for 30 minutes.
500g de champignons émincés / 500g mushrooms
2 petits oignons / 2 small onions
1 gousse d’ail / 1 garlic clove
Parmesan, comté or emmental (râpé / Grated)
°Mince the onion, mushrooms and garlic, peel the butternut and grate it.
°Cook in hot pan with a dash of oil for 10 minutes, then drain.
Keep the juice drained to make a veggie stock a risotto, cook pasta, or for a soup (I used it to make a light béchamel).
125g de crème liquide ou épaisse / 125g heavy or liquid cream
noix de muscade rapée / Powder nutmeg
°Mix all the ingredients together, don’t forget to seasoned and you can add nutmeg, paprika and cayenne pepper.
°Mix with the butternut and pour in the pricked pie base.
°Sprinkle with parmesan, comté or gratted emmental, cook at 190°C for about 40 minutes (the bottom of the pie has to be golden and dry).